Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New Comic: The Great American Romance Novel!

Romance novels: smut or erotica?
The Great American Romance Novel

Con Updates
On my LiveJournal I've posted an updated list of conventions I will be attending in the year 2008.

I had a fantastic Thanksgiving. Damnedably awesome and wonderful. I just... can't seem to get back to my bitter, cynical self now....

Blogged with Flock

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New Comic: Even Marilyn Monroe had cellulite!

Cottage cheese thighs!
Even Marilyn Monroe had cellulite!

It's true! And here's photographic proof!

And check out's new comix blog. You can comment on comics and all sorts of things. Do drop by!

Lastly, I'd like to shamelessly plug a tale of the macabre by my friend Mike Allen. You can read it for free online.

Blogged with Flock

Saturday, November 10, 2007's new comics pages: perfect for making with the feedback!

Check it out! I just stumbled across what appears to be's new comics layout, and you can sort the categories by artist! Now you can easily find all my comics in one place on, plus you can comment on them!

Blogged with Flock's new comics pages: perfect for making with the feedback!

Check it out! I just stumbled across what appears to be's new comics layout, and you can sort the categories by artist! Now you can easily find all my comics in one place on, plus you can comment on them!

Blogged with Flock