Wednesday, December 19, 2007


My back.. it hurts... hours and hours of interstate driving... in the dark... with crazy people trying to drive into me. But hey! My mother has the car she wanted and I inherited the family station wagon, Ruby, the girl I learned to drive on! So, my transportation problems are solved. I'll fix Sadie in my spare time.

Sorry, no new comic this week. It's time to bring out the beloved Christmas Specials of yore! So gather yer family around the warm glow of your computer screen and sip some cocoa to the following:
Halloween on Christmas!!
Halloween on Christmas

A Christmas Quarrel

And for the Wiccans...
Happy Solstice!
The First of the Season

Send a Rachel the Great eCard this holiday!
There are designs for both Christmas and Solstice!

Okay, my back is really burning now. Gotta draw more comics! Happy holidays!

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

New Comic: Beauty Is as Beauty Does

<a href=",,713415-1,00.html" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Play the makeup game." width="215px" height="215px" style="border:0px" />
Beauty Is as Beauty Believes</a>

New comic up! I hope you enjoy it. Share it if you do!

Damn, finals have been rough. I had to do a tattoo design. Here it is from my <a href="" target="_blank">deviantart</a>:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Love Toy" width="530px" height="538px" style="border:0px" /></a>

I had been using crows as a theme all semester long, and then I added love to the mix. I never thought I'd be contemplating love in art.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

New comic about boobs plus holiday shopping guide!

Psst, if you haven't read my Self Doubt Fairy comic yet, please do so before reading the following comic :)

Rachel surely has a magical rack.
Rachel's Magical Bosom

Originally I titled this as Rachel's Magical Rack, but Leigh told me that sounded to crass, so I changed it. I think "bosom" sounds funnier. Speaking of Leigh, check out this comic she made for Raina Telgemeier's Smile comic! Considering the crap my own teeth have put me through, I love this comic. Reeeeeead it. The boots command you!

Holiday shopping!
I put out some new buttons for sale at my shop:
A hissing Tuna will guard you.This heart is a little more than broken.

Additionally, if you're sending cards this year, I've got "You Might Be a Subculture of One If..." cards available both at my site:
Subculture Christmas cards!

And on Etsy!
A five pack of red vinyl-clad cards!

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New Comic: The Great American Romance Novel!

Romance novels: smut or erotica?
The Great American Romance Novel

Con Updates
On my LiveJournal I've posted an updated list of conventions I will be attending in the year 2008.

I had a fantastic Thanksgiving. Damnedably awesome and wonderful. I just... can't seem to get back to my bitter, cynical self now....

Blogged with Flock

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New Comic: Even Marilyn Monroe had cellulite!

Cottage cheese thighs!
Even Marilyn Monroe had cellulite!

It's true! And here's photographic proof!

And check out's new comix blog. You can comment on comics and all sorts of things. Do drop by!

Lastly, I'd like to shamelessly plug a tale of the macabre by my friend Mike Allen. You can read it for free online.

Blogged with Flock

Saturday, November 10, 2007's new comics pages: perfect for making with the feedback!

Check it out! I just stumbled across what appears to be's new comics layout, and you can sort the categories by artist! Now you can easily find all my comics in one place on, plus you can comment on them!

Blogged with Flock's new comics pages: perfect for making with the feedback!

Check it out! I just stumbled across what appears to be's new comics layout, and you can sort the categories by artist! Now you can easily find all my comics in one place on, plus you can comment on them!

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New Comic! Things That Rub Me the Wrong Way: Scents and Sensibility

Things That Rub Me the Wrong Way: Scents and Sensibility

Happy Halloween everyone! I'm getting myself all crowified and going to a party downtown tonight. I hope you have something wonderful planned as well, but if not, curl up and watch The Crow while stuffing your face with sweet, nourishing candy!

Haven't read my Halloween Special yet? Read it now at!

As always, if you dig the comics, pass them on! Thank you for reading!

Blogged with Flock

Monday, October 29, 2007

Free Promotion: Banners at DC's Zuda

DC's Zuda site has a banner page that any web comic can submit to, without having to link back! Free promotion, people. Webcomickers, get your asses on this. I will hear none of that, "But my banner looks awful!" or "But my site isn't ready!" Big news: Your banner will always be awful, and your site will never be ready. Get out there and bust a move. Stop procrastinating by wallowing in your own self doubt!

Don't make me get my riding crop.

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Dove and Moral Inconsitency

You have to love Dove and their anti-fake advertising campaigns like <a href="" target="_blank">Onslaught</a>, but then you realize that their parent company, Unilever, <a href="" target="_blank">is responsible for those annoying BomChickaWahWah ads</a>. Is this a moral inconsistency, as the article puts it?

I also found out about <a href="">this marketing group that focuses on what real girls think about real ads</a> and how better to reach the savvy young woman of today. While it sounds paradoxical to link marketing with feminist ideals, this firm seems to have done it, and successfully, too!. I believe, and they show, that you can catch more flies with feminism than with chauvinism. Whereas 20% of a magazine's readership may object to a skinny minny mollie on the cover, 100% will approve of a normal, pleasant young woman (who isn't making orgasm faces all over the inside).

Gosh I love getting all these advertising and marketing newsletters in my inbox. I feel like such a devious little self-brander.

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